Management System in Crisis Situations


  • Leo Pažin


When a crisis occurs in a certain company, it is an unplanned and extraordinary event. This professional paper will explain what a crisis is in general, as well as a way to overcome crisis situations in a quality way. The very definition of crisis means a break, that is, a break in the development of the work process. Furthermore, for quality business, every company needs good management. Management is divided into three key phases in order to manage the resulting crisis. With the onset of a crisis, the use of previously created crisis strategies is switched to. Crisis strategies are divided into offensive and defensive. Not every crisis is necessarily a failure and the downfall of the company. Many companies have improved their work process after coming out of the crisis thanks to quality crisis management. Managers within the company are responsible for everything.
Keywords: Crisis, Crisis management, Communication, Strategic plan.




How to Cite

Pažin, L. (2024). Management System in Crisis Situations. Global Journal of Business and Integral Security, 1(2). Retrieved from