Dangers During Storage and Fires of Flammable Substances


  • Leo Pažin


Flammable substances are all substances that can be ignited by an external ignition source or by themselves. It is necessary to distinguish flammable substances in order to minimize the danger to people and the environment. Combustible substances are divided according to the aggregate state in which they are found. This is how we learn about flammable gases, flammable solids and flammable liquids. Improper storage may cause self-ignition. In the event of spontaneous combustion, there is a great danger of a large-scale fire precisely because of the late reaction or late notification to the emergency services. In such situations, devices for early detection and fire alarm come to the fore. Precisely because of the danger to people and property, it is mandatory to observe all safety measures in the field of fire protection.
Keywords: Self-immolation, Flammable gases, Flammable liquids, Flammable solids.




How to Cite

Pažin, L. (2025). Dangers During Storage and Fires of Flammable Substances. Global Journal of Business and Integral Security, 1(2). Retrieved from http://gbis.ch/index.php/gbis/article/view/654