In the modern era and competitive marketing world, Project Management and Leadership
play a vital role in the organization's development of quality processes, products, and
services. Leadership in project management is a key role in project success. So much
literature is available on different leadership styles at different management levels. Project
management is middle-level management in an organization and servant leadership is more
suitable for project management. But no sufficient literature review is available on the
combination of Project Management and Servant Leadership. This research paper aims to
describe new leadership skills with Smartness for further extension of servant leadership in
project managers adopting more quality skills such as SMART – Strategic, Mentor,
Appreciative, Risk-control, and Teamwork. This research paper explores the concept of
SMART servant leadership in project management. How is this leadership style unique and
works for personnel, operational and organizational growth? And why SMART Servant
leadership is more suited to project management.