Navigating Global Challenges: An Interdisciplinary Framework
As the space race gets intensified, each nation is all out to prove yet another galaxy at some million light years away from our planet & are attempting to be the numero uno in building landing stations at far ends of the luminescent heavenly bodies, while completely being oblivious of the scary fact that the ONLY liveable planet is on the verge of being uninhabitable. The reason being the looming large global challenges across the globe are completely ignored. The fetch able solution that can be fathomed by minimalistic grey cells in human mind is the eradication of the pygmy minds so that future generations can still see the shimmering ocean waves, feel the zephyr & experience the sunsets. For this, we need to pick up the mightiest weapon in our arsenal and that is interdisciplinary education by incorporating global challenges in academic core curriculum to envisage sustainable trans-institutional solutions.
Keywords: Pigmy minds, interdisciplinary education, global curriculum &transinstitutional solutions.